September 14, 2008


I know that living in a white room isn't the most practical if you have young children and don't want to worry about every stain does look beautiful and is so wonderful at night. Especially if you light scented candles. The key to ensure you don't spend your life cleaning is to have removeable, washable covers on sofas and cushions, don't have white carpets (?), but light coloured wooden flooring, use washable low sheen paint on surfaces. For the high ceilings and beams ensure you have an ultra long-handled quality duster and just have a quick swipe around every so often.

What a great way to relax in the evenings!

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  1. I am totally in love with this lounge - the best sometimes is simplicity. I could imagine a wonderful sight into a night sky with all those millions of stars - what couls be better to sleep under...

  2. Gorgeous. I could picture myself with a great book, some candles burning....

  3. What a lovely room. Someday maybe I can have at least one room like that in my house.

    Would you be interested in a link exchange with my newest blog? It sure could use a little link-love to get up and running and your blog seems to be a somewhat similar niche.

  4. Kathy,
    Please find that I have added your link to my site and good luck with your new site!

    I love this room too!

  5. Love the white rooms ideas? Little kids...not so great...yet...will file away for later use!

    When you mention subscribe... Do you mean to have it link to a feed?

  6. Thank you all for taking the time to comment.
    I love these white rooms!
    Petra, I thought it would be just up your style when I posted this image!
    Patty, glad you like it!
    Kathy, I have already added you and good luck with your blog.
    Good n crazy, thanks for your comments - I do know what you mean though! Yes, I mean visit the 'subscribe' section in the right-hand column and ensure you link to either the posts or comments so you don't miss out on any updates. I'm planning to change my site over the next few weeks and will ensure that this is clearer - thanks for asking the question.



Share your ideas with me. Thank you.